Vsi prispevki, ki jih je objavil/a Janez Černilec

Licitacijski sistemi

In the world of contract bridge, several bidding systems have been developed for communication between partners during the auction. Some of the most popular bidding systems worldwide include:

1. Standard American (SA)

  • Description: Standard American is very popular in the United States and is one of the most widely used systems in the world.
  • Key Features: It is based on the 5-card majors system, meaning that opening bids of 1♥ or 1♠ require at least five cards in the respective suit. Responses and subsequent bids focus on the strength and length of suits.

2. 2/1 Game Forcing

  • Description: This is a variation of the Standard American system, which includes an additional rule that any partner’s response at the 2-level (if in a new suit) requires game forcing until a contract at 3NT, 4♥, or 4♠ is reached.
  • Key Features: It is a more precisely structured bidding system, allowing for more accurate hand description between partners. It is popular in the U.S., Canada, and parts of Europe.


  • Description: ACOL is the most popular system in the United Kingdom. It was named after Acol Road in London, where it was developed.
  • Key Features: It does not use the 5-card majors, but allows opening bids with four cards in the major suits. It is based on a more flexible approach, which allows for greater adaptability between partners.

4. Precision Club

  • Description: This system originated in Taiwan and has also become popular in the U.S. and globally.
  • Key Features: It is a system of artificial bids, where an opening bid of 1♣ indicates a strong hand (16+ points) rather than length in clubs. Precision is a precise and analytical system, enabling players to accurately assess hand strength.

5. Polish Club

  • Description: The Polish Club is a hybrid system popular in Eastern Europe, especially in Poland.
  • Key Features: The opening bid of 1♣ is artificial and can indicate various types of hands, similar to Precision, while the rest of the bids are more natural. The Polish Club combines elements of natural and artificial bidding.

6. SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card)

  • Description: SAYC is a simplified version of the Standard American system, often used online and in bridge learning.
  • Key Features: The system is easy to learn, offering a limited number of conventions and a straightforward approach to bidding. It includes bidding based on 5-card majors and natural responses.

7. Two Over One (2/1)

  • Description: An extension of the Standard American system, primarily used in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Key Features: The system is based on the rule that any new suit bid at the 2-level promises a strong hand and is “game forcing.” It helps partners describe strong hands more accurately.

8. Kaplan-Sheinwold (KS)

  • Description: A system developed by Howard Kaplan and Alfred Sheinwold in the U.S.
  • Key Features: It is based on weak openings and aggressive defensive bidding. The KS system involves more aggressive bidding strategies and allows for the use of different conventions for more precise hand descriptions.

9. Romex System

  • Description: Romex is an advanced system developed by American bridge player Marty Bergen.
  • Key Features: It includes special conventions and bidding rules that allow players to differentiate more precisely between different hand types and strengths.

These systems are often combined with various conventions like Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, Blackwood, Gerber, and others, allowing for even greater flexibility and accuracy in bidding.

Which system is best suited for you depends on your preferences and playing style.

Kategorizacijski pravilnik BZS & Tekmovali pravilnik BZS

SPLOŠNE DOLOČBE 1.1. Kategorizacijski pravilnik določa način in pogoje podeljevanja kategorizacijskih točk in kategorij tekmovalcem ter vodenja lestvic. 1.2. Sezona začne v ponedeljek pred Dnevi slovenskega bridža ali 1. junija, karkoli od tega je prej. Dnevi slovenskega bridža ne morejo potekati pred 15. majem. Več na BZS ...

Tekmovalni pravilnik velja za tekmovanja v organizaciji oziroma pod okriljem Bridge zveze Slovenije (v nadaljevanju BZS). BZS organizira državna prvenstva in Slovensko bridge ligo; pod okrilje BZS sodijo tekmovanja v organizaciji klubov (klubski in turistični turnirji, ekipna tekmovanja/lige, tekmovanja na spletnih platformah in hibridna tekmovanja).Pravilnik predpisuje splošna določila o organiziranju tekmovanj. Klubi lahko v svojih pravilnikih opredelijo okoliščine, ki niso predvidene v tem pravilniku, za posamezna tekmovanja pa lahko določijo svoja pravila. Več na BZS …

Zanimive povezave iz BZS (klik)

Forsirajoča licitacija v tretji barvi (Third suit forcing)

At least 11 point Game forcing bid This bid is a third suit forcing, i.e. either the bis is naturala or it shows strength with a stopper isseu in the fourth suit.

Ta izjava se nanaša na bridž in opisuje “game forcing” bid, ki zahteva vsaj 11 točk. Bid predstavlja forsirajočo situacijo, kjer partner pričakuje igro do konca (game), brez možnosti pasiranja. V tem primeru gre za forsirajoči bid v tretji barvi, kar pomeni, da je lahko:
– bid naraven (kaže močan list v tretji barvi) ali
– pa nakazuje, da igralec ima zadostno moč, vendar težave s četrto barvo in išče od partnerja pomoč oziroma ustavitev (stopper) v tej barvi.

Če je partner licitiral 2 piki, nato pa ste vi licitirali 3 srce, to lahko pomeni več stvari, odvisno od konteksta.

  1. Tretja barva forsira: Ta licitacija je lahko tretja barva forsira (third suit forcing). S tem bi pokazali vsaj 11 točk in forsirate pogovor, saj imate bodisi naravno barvo (srca) bodisi imate težave v četrti barvi (nimate stopperja) in potrebujete partnerjevo pomoč, da ustavi nasprotnikovo barvo.
  2. Naravna licitacija: 3 srce je lahko tudi naraven bid, ki kaže vsaj 5 kart v srcih in dovolj moči za forsiranje, pri čemer morda iščete igro v višji barvi ali celo v barvni igri.

V obeh primerih vaša licitacija kaže moč in željo po nadaljevanju licitacije, saj je to forsirajoča licitacija, ki partnerja sili k nadaljnji komunikaciji, da bi dosegla optimalen pogodbeni cilj.

Miselna igra s kartami kontrakt bridž je vse bolj spleten

1.) 22. mednarodni festival Več znanja za več turizma Tradicija v trendu & scenarij za video spot | WordPress |

Film: Bridž postaja vse bolj spleten (klik) -> Tekst

2.) Zgodovina slovenskega in jugoslovanskega bridža: članki in drugi viri | WordPress |

3.) Impas dama | PDF |

4.) Bridž na papirju | XLSX | PBN |

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